Thursday, June 30, 2011

On the Brightside

(Yes, the title is a catchy song by a catchy male artist, but no, it has nothing to do with this post.)

Just because a lot of people don't know, I'm going to spew this nice bit of information.

I'm so sick of crappy, romantic, fluffy, warm-fuzzy-feeling books. And songs. And poems.

Some people think that I like to write love stories.

Ew. Just....gross.

As someone pretty awesome said to me, she never wrote that stuff because she wasn't that way herself. (I AM in a relationship, but that doesn't mean that I like writing romantic crap.) She wrote mystery stories and such, because that's what she was good at writing.

And me? I'm good at writing action-y, creepy things.

Sure, there's always a brightside to every story. But to me, in my stories, it will most likely be the dark side you see.

(On a completely side note, I hope you people DO know that romance novels are just about sex. And yes, I said sex. Calm down.)

Recently, while spending time with my beloved best friend, I came up with the idea of a fake love story. Yes, fake.

I decided to write a creepy, horror-filled vampire story of an innocent-looking girl that seduces a boy to eat him. And the ending? A lovely, bloody, graphic description of her ripping his throat out.

I know, I know. It's like I'm the spawn of Satan or whatever.

I'm not saying that I'm a sick, twisted individual. I'm merely pointing out that fact that I write it because I enjoy it, and I'm good at it.

Haha, this has turned into crazy ranting again.

As I like to say so often, it IS my blog. I like people reading it and getting feedback from said readers, but it's my place to rant and rave and write as much as I want. (And even hide some alliteration in there.)

So yeah.

I get to go to the mall tomorrow. With money this time. With a good friend of mine. And one of my favorite stores there is having a huge sale.

I'm quite excited :D

Friday, June 24, 2011

Music and Lyrics

I actually just realized that the title of this blog is also the title of an absolutely awful movie. (To me, anyway. You might love the movie....Everyone IS different, you know.)

But besides the two titles being the same, I just wanted to point out how much I love music.

I just do. It's one of my top three favorite things to do, right under reading and writing.

Music often inspires me to write scenes in my head or lyrics of my own (for poetry, though.... I'm not a huge fan of writing songs).

Also, I realized how amazing my God really is. Today we had yet another outreach with my church to Augusta, and because of the 38 people that went out, 191 people accepted Christ as their savior. And, of course, numerous other people were ministered to and healed. From all....four?....outreaches this week, 704 people overall have accepted Christ, and tomorrow is our last and potentially most amazing outreach to come.

Anywho. Other than the amazing things God has done in THOSE areas, I realized how well He plans everything out.

Just look at me.

I mean, I was born with the talents I have. According to my mom, I always made up stories and arguments for pretty much everything someone said to me. (Part creativity, part stubborness.)

I just marvel at my own thoughts sometimes. How I put things together and create the most random things....

Anyways, I'm tired, and I'm probably spelling really horribly.

So it's time to greet my nice bed.

I can't wait for outreach :D

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bookworms and Harry Potter

Oh my goodness have I been busy.

I don't even know when the last post I made was. Of course, I could look and see the date, but it isn't like I'll remember exactly when that was.


So much has been going on.... Parties, Camp Overflow, summer starting, and reading.

Ohhh, let's get way off topic for a minute.
Or two.

I'm back to reading like I used to.

Multiple books at a time, even more books aching to be read or re-read...

I have somewhere close to twenty right now.

And before you stop reading because I'm a nerdy bookworm, let me just rant for a second.

First of all, reading is like breathing to me. I read all the time, and if I have nothing to read, I feel like I'm suffocating. I want to read all day, every single day, and not just one book. I read a few books at a time so I won't get bored. It exercises my brain, it helps me be multiple people at once, it gives me many different ideas for my own stories.

I love reading. Plain and simple. As a matter of fact, reading is my FAVORITE thing. I love it ten times more than I love writing.


Secondly, I really don't understand when people say "Woah. You read a LOT," and other such things.

I've been reading a ton since....forever. I don't remember reading, or learning to read, just that I used to love books by Dr. Suess, and Winnie the Pooh books, and other small kid books like that.

You're surprised at how much I read? I'm surprised at your surprise. It's just that normal for me. (And my family.)

And yes, yesterday I started a 234 page book in the morning, and finished by bedtime. Today, I started a 239 page book, and I'll have it finished by bedtime as well.

Oh, and have I mentioned that I'm also re-reading the fourth Harry Potter book?

I love to read.

Also, since I haven't blogged in a while, I might as well rant again.

Yes, I've read the Harry Potter series. I love them. I'm reading them for the third time before the final movie comes out July 15th.

I'm also a devoted-to-Christ Christian. I love my church, my church family, and my God. (A lot.)

And yes, the author of the Harry Potter series is Atheist or something like that.

But she doesn't incorporate that into her writing like other authors with her beliefs have. (Like Philip Pullman, author of the His Dark Materials trilogy. I've read those, too, but they were too....Yeah.)

That's why I love Harry Potter. Sure, there is a lot to do with witchcraft and wizardy, but I don't care.

At all.

And if religion has made you think that you're going to go to hell because you read those books or like them, or that reading them means you're a worshipper of satan himself, please, come talk to me so I can enlighten you and/or slap you.

I'm not going to hell because I have read and LOVED the Harry Potter series. I mean...seriously? Can't I enjoy a good book (or seven) without worrying about going to hell?

I read what I want because I am so rooted in who I am in Christ.

Now, if you just don't like the series because the author is Atheist or whatever her religion is, or you just don't like all the dark events of the book, that's fine.


There's my rant on everyday annoyances and occurances.

It IS my blog.