Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It Isn't Just Black and White...

Greens burst forth as the first signs of spring. Purples and reds and pinks and blues make themselves known in flowers, sunrises and sunsets. The air is warm and fresh and full of more heat than you've felt for months.

Summer comes in a thick, golden, and hazy blanket. The greens of spring are deeper and water seems like a more beautiful thing. Browns are in the dry, dying grass and the newly tan skins of people everywhere. 

Fall descends upon us in a relieving spray of new rain and cooler weather. Yellows, oranges, and reds glitter in the treetops and on the fallen leaves covering the refreshed grounds. The weather coolly at winter... 

And then it's winter again. Blues, whites, and thin air slice into our skin, making us shiver and stare in wonder at the new snows that might grace us with their presence. 

It isn't black and white, or even the gray in between the two. It's the colors of the seasons...

Rosy pink cheeks hint at excitement, embarrassment, or exercise. 

Tan skin means hard work or time spent relaxing outside. 

Pale white flesh is from fear, sadness, lack of sleep, or sickness. 

It isn't the colors of changing seasons, it's clues about how someone feels, or what they do....
A bright red jacket, crazy purple hair, the brightest blue eyes, and jeans of the deepest black.

It shows personalities.

What is it? 

It, simply, is the creation of scenes and characters. 

It's the oranges and grays of twilight, when all things dark and creepy seem to seep from the shadows surrounding the edges of light.

Or maybe it's the shimmering gold kissing the trees and your cheeks, the warm wind on your face and in your hair, and the sound of water tumbling over the edge of a waterfall....

It's everything; it's nothing. It's beauty and hate and sorrow and love and happiness and anxiety. 

It's every feeling, every person, every idea you could ever come up with.

It's what I do.


Friday, September 9, 2011

September 11, 2001

It seems like this date means more to the United States than December 7, 1941 does. Maybe because 1941 was almost exactly seventy years ago. Maybe because America was more directly affected because of September 11.

In the attack of Pearl Harbor, nearly 2,500 people were killed, and about 1,300 were wounded.

On September 11, almost 3,000 people died, and over six thousand were wounded. 

Maybe the wounds are still fresh, for those of us who remember it, or lost loved ones. 

America came together that year, and every year on the same day, we come together again. Flag go up, the specials come on TV, and tears usually begin to flow.

As for me, I was only five years old, and remember nothing but watching these big buildings tumble to the ground on the news. It would be years later before I understood. 

This horrific incident will remain in America's hearts and minds forever, or at least until something worse happens. And even then, we will compare it, and will have learned from the September 11 attack, and be able to prevent any lasting damage. 

Remember, learn, and come together, America.

We will never forget those who died, and those who died to save others.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hiatus Much?

Oh, hello there. Long time no blog, right?

What has been keeping me so busy, you might ask?

Nothing at all. This would be the point where I ramble on and on about writer's block, but that would actually be a lie.

In August, I participated in Camp NaNoWriMo. (Just search on Google for NaNoWriMo so I don't have to explain.) So that basically means that I've written myself out. So many words....

Anyway, in July I did....not much. August was Camp NaNo, and then since then, school  has started and I've only had three nights off from homework. 

What's the point of this blog?

Well, to say hello again, I guess.

And don't worry, I have some ideas for some stuff that might keep you interested in reading.

Happy Labor Day!