Sunday, April 3, 2011


So, we made it.

Somehow, a 12 hour drive turned into 16 hours, and quite a few grumpy-but-excited teens (and three adults) arrived in Ashtabula, Ohio sometime close to midnight last night.

Dear Lord, help us all.

We did make it, and not without quite a few "bumps in the road." (And I do mean literally and figuratively.)

We got started a little late yesterday morning, leaving at around eight o' clock instead of seven-thirty.

Something happened to be wrong with one of the tires on our trailer thing, but my handy-dandy father was able to come to the conclusion that it would survive.

Everyone was all packed into the fifteen passenger van we borrowed from another church (which really only seated fourteen) and we were off.

After a loooooooooooooooOOOOOOOng car ride, we finally managed to arrive in Ohio, and then a while later, Ashtabula.

Yes, I am rambling a bit.
I'm honestly exhausted.

We all are.

And now a group of us are headed to church, and another group is here at the Sleep Inn, well, sleeping in.

So there's part of our little adventure for ya ;)

Enjoy your Spring Break!

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