Monday, April 18, 2011

Tribute to Charlie Day! (To Lindsey:) )

Happy Tribute to Charlie Day! :D

There are papers and index cards strewn across the kitchen table.
And a few notebooks.

And there are about eight tabs up on the internet.

Oh, projects, how I loathe thee.

I wore a dress today.

A lot of people liked it.

A lot of people DIDN'T freak out about it, which is new. Because said people are definitely not used to me wearing dresses.

But it's okay, because I guess I've changed a lot.

Which is good.....

I have no idea where this is going....

The best friend is having a bad day. So now we have tentative plans set for Thursday. Which is AWESOME.

It's been too long since we've tried to pull an all-nighter, and done a ton of crazy stuff during that span of long, dark, sleepy hours in the middle of the night.

I predict playing Just Dance, watching cheesy horror movies that turn out to not be cheesy, learning to booty dance On Demand (just....don't ask....), eating icecream and venting about life's hardships at the age of fourteen, watching movies in other languages, playing Star Wars on the PlayStation at four in the morning, and just being....Best friends.

I. Can't. Wait.

I love you Kinz :D

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